Thursday, January 1, 2009

And A Happy New Year to You, Too!

Yesterday went well - all things considered. I mean, who wants to have chemo on New Years Eve? But, the staff and all of the patients at the cancer center seemed in a jolly good mood and were celebrating with coffee, fresh fruit and cheesy snacks! Mr. Indi was through with his treatment by 10:30 and then it was off to Larry's to drop off two more prescriptions - one for Mr. Indi's nausea and one to help him when he starts to become anxious and angry. Sometimes, his frustration at being unable to walk unaided sends him over the top and he'll have a tantrum - not good for the blood pressure - with luck, the pills will help.

We went to see Jen at lunch time - at the Italian joint just down the road. Mr. Indi really enjoyed a nice pizza with the works thrown on it. He loves his pepperoni, olives, mushrooms and tomatoes! He also had one glass of real beer! His first in many months. A little birdie at the doc's office had told us that one beer wouldn't hurt him and might even steady his nerves a little. It seemed to work as we had a nice peaceful afternoon. Him playing on the pink laptop (He played his Eric Clapton Live DVD and it worked great!) and Me plodding along with the pink knitting! Argggg!

We still haven't found the password for the stupid wireless network. I mean - how dumb can you be as to make it SO secure that you can't get into it yourself! Men! So, today I shall make it my goal to find the thing or else! I think there are several papers and stuff that have fallen down behind the file cabinet - It might be there along with mounds of dust and a few dead earwigs. If I can't find it, Mr. Indi says we will buy a new wireless router and reprogram everything - Cor struth - what a palaver!

The kids (teenagers) next door woke us up at midnight - running around in their garden - yelling Happy New Year - laughing - dog barking - music coming from inside the house. Don't they know that there are a couple of miserable old codgers living right next door? I never did stuff like that when I was young! Disgraceful!

How do you like the picture of my booze stash - including the delicious Marzipan Dream? If you look closely, you can see my granddad peeking from behind the bottles - although Ma always assured me that he was TT but I think he has a little nip in the night sometimes!

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