Wednesday, January 21, 2009

You Know What They Say!

They say that "A bad day fishing is better than a good day working" - and - ain't it the truth! The picture above was taken on a beautiful morning on Newport Pier in August of last year.

Well, it isn't getting any easier - and I don't know what I did in my previous life but it must have been pretty ghastly! I have tried to be good this time around so that I can come back next time to a life of world travel, pots of dosh and a staff of hundreds to take care of my every whim!

Mr. Indi can no longer take a shower or a bath as he is unable to get in or out of either - so I am now doing his daily ablutions for him. I was able prop him up against the kitchen sink and give his noggin a good scrub. Once again, the chemo has not taken his hair away - although it is certainly not the thick and full mane that it was a few years ago. After I gave him a good shampoo and conditioner I fluffed his hair up and he started to look like Albert Einstein! (Although, later in the day, his brother said he looked like Ernest Hemingway!) Either way - I like the fluffy look and hope he keeps it like that!.

After a good hose down with warm water and a wash cloth - a la Nurse Ratched - his Lordship was feeling much better and I think he is now free of cooties! A dab of smelly - some lotion for dry skin - clean clothes and he was looking like a movie star! - Lon Chaney! - Kidding!

As mentioned Mr. Indi's brother and Sis-in-law came over around lunch time and were able to get him out of the house and into the car for a trip down to the local Italian. Everyone enjoyed the food very much and we had a good old natter about this and that. Now the challenge became how to get his Lordship back in the house as his legs are so weak, he cannot lift himself up the back steps. So, between the three of us, we were able to lift him, in the wheelchair, up into the kitchen. Cor - that was a good workout. Mr. Indi's brother is now going to work on widening the steps and maybe making a temporary ramp so that it will be easier to get him in and out of the house.

A crisis arose as I was getting Mr. Indi ready for bed - about 8 p.m. He was using his walker and backing up in order to sit in the push chair so that I could wheel him back to the bedroom and the silly thing sat down too soon. Bang! He was on the floor! Grrr! It was a real struggle to get him up onto the footstool - with both of us in tears - what a mess. But, he did not have the strength in his legs to get into the chair or up on his walker. He is a stubborn old bugger but enough is enough! I ran next door and got my neighbor, Jesus. Jesus, pronounced Haysus, is a very popular name with Mexican males and I'm sure that my religious friends (yes, I do have some!) will be happy to know that Jesus is alive and living next door to me!

Jesus ran over right away and grabbed my other neighbor, Freddy, and between them they were able to lift Mr. Indi into the chair and get him down into the bedroom and into bed! Phew. It was all I could do to keep my nerves together - but once I got him situated - gave him his meds - lined up his urinals - and kissed him on his fluffy head - I went into my room and cried!

Today will be better - It will!


Anonymous said...

Oh my darling sis what an absolute buggering, bastard, bloody disease, my heart goes out to you and Mr Dief. Do you want me to come? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxHugs hugs hugs hugs hugs,

Anonymous said...

Sis, hugs big hugs
