Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A New Phase!

Well, we have reached the point where either Mr. Indi will have to have home health care or he will have to go into a hospice as I am no longer able to look after him as his legs get weaker and weaker. His fear of falling is making life very difficult and he is now in bed most of the day. He is also finding it very tough to get up and down from the loo - so yesterday, I bought one of those loo extender seat thingies. It raises the lavatory seat up about six inches and makes it so that he doesn't have to work so hard to stand up when he's finished his visitations! I went into the loo last night, before bed, didn't switch on the light and when I went to sit down I had the fright of my life! That thing is WAY up in the air! I felt like a little kid with my feet dangling down - almost touching the ground!

We have called the oncologists office (he wasn't there yesterday) and left a message asking that the insurance company send a representative out to evaluate Mr. Indi's need for Home Health Care benefits. The main concern being his inability to get out of the house and therefore being unable to get to chemo or any doctor's appointments. We cannot afford a private ambulance (about $1,200 a trip) so are hopeful that our insurance will cover some sort of transportation. Either that or I am going to go down to the DYI store where the Mexican day labourers hang about looking for work and grab a couple of them to come and do some heavy lifting! Shove him in the van and I will drive him myself! Where there's a will...........

The Santa Ana winds are still blowing like the devil even though that nice weather lady says, each morning, that this will be the last day of the wind. She's been saying that for 5 days now! I think her weather map is stuck on the same groove and needs someone to give it a nudge! The wind is really strong this morning but I'm not too worried about damage as it has already done most of my potted plants in - the impatiens are all toes up and even the succulents are turning a strange color. And, of course, my sinuses are not amused.

My dear friend, Jan and her lovely hubby, are freezing their bums off in cold and stormy Wales. Jan sent me this sweet picture of her little apple tree and what it will look like in few more months. Just beautiful. Hang in there babe - Spring will arrive - one day!


Daria said...

Thinking of the two of you during this difficult time ...


Anonymous said...

Loving you both so much and wishing you both the very best ... hang in there, you two!
