Monday, January 5, 2009

Sleeping Like a.......

They said that the chair would be delivered between 1:30 and 3:30 in the afternoon and lo and behold, at 1:25, a nice young man knocked on the door and asked where I would like them to put the chair. He was a real gent and he and his mate even rearranged some of the other living room chairs so that his Lordship could be situated next to the fireplace and the window - his favorite spot. I flipped them a bit of extra dosh for their trouble and they went away happy.

So, now that he has his reclining chair, he has taken up the prone position (as you can see) and I had to pry his big bum out of it to get him into bed last night! He says it really does help relieve the pain from his spine and take the pressure off his legs. It's not the fanciest chair in the world but if it helps him be more comfortable then I'm happy with it.

My son and his wife came later in the afternoon. My son bought me several large bottles of drinking water for which I was grateful as they are very heavy for me to carry. There is nothing wrong with our drinking water from the tap - except for the taste! The water supply comes from underground artesian wells and the water is very high in minerals and you can tell! I think it must be similar to the taste of lavatory bowl cleanser! I hear that the water is very good for you - and in fact there are several spas in the area that boast the benefits of the local spring water. But, there are always people looking for the Fountain of Youth -and - who have too much money!

Today is doctor day for both Me and Him, I have to see Dr. I this morning for a check up on my blood pressure and swollen feet. The feet are back to normal so I should be OK. Mr. Indi has to see Dr. B, the radiation oncologist, for a 30 day follow-up and a final report on the results of his radiation treatment. I am not expecting any good news on that front as his walking is even more difficult and his legs are weaker than before the radiation treatment began. Still, it will be interesting to see what she has to say.

It is 30F this morning (-1C) and so the newspaper will stay at the end of the driveway until the frost has cleared! And, this afternoon, after all of our running around, I shall light the fire and knit! I have made a major blunder with the collar of the cardigan and now have to back up about 6 rows to correct my mistake! ARGGGGGGG!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the chair! Mr I looks sooo comfy! Will call later/