Saturday, January 24, 2009

What a Difference A Day Makes!

Who sang that anyway? - Frank?

I don't know if it was the report from Ray, the RN, or my letter to Dr. N that made the difference, but I got a phone call from our Patient Advocate, S, at about 11:00 a.m. to say that Dr. N had turned over Mr. Indi's case to the insurance co AND that the insurance co has approved all the recommendations made by Ray and our Patient Advocate. This includes Home Nursing, Home Help (bathing etc), Physical Therapy and Home Safety Evaluation. I still don't know about transportation to and from the house to the car - but we will work on that. So, it pays to yell and kick and scream and write letters! Yea! I am not expecting to hear from any of the people who will be involved in Mr. Indi's care until Monday at the earliest - but, at least I know that the Cavalry is on its way!

Mr. Indi's big brother came over with the platform that he has built to put under the comfy chair in order to raise it up about 6 inches. It makes it so much easier for Mr. Indi to get in and out of. R has also built some extensions for the outside steps and we were hoping that Mr. Indi would be able to get up and down them now - but no luck, I'm afraid - he just doesn't have the strength in his legs. However it does make it easier to wheel the transporter chair out onto the outside porch and down to the pathway. I can't do it because I am too puny! But it will only take one decent sized bloke helping me to get him down onto solid ground. Getting him back up into the house is a bit more strenuous and I have told him that I may resort to setting up a sleeping bag, porta-potty and camp stove so that he can live on the porch! A big Muchas Gracias to R for all his hard work xx.

I went to see my friend, Cathy at lunch time (while his Lordship was in the bed reading)- she told me to meet her as she and her daughter have made something for Mr. Indi - have no idea what it is! Well, her work schedule had been changed and she wasn't there! Grrr. Still, I did see Regina and we sat and had a bit of a laugh about her old grandpa and his urinal bottles (what a subject for lunch!) Still, you have to laugh, don't you? - Either that or go nuts!

The weather is gloomy, cloudy, showery and a bit parky! So, I though we should have a pretty yellow hibiscus to look at today. I took the pic last summer at the local garden center.


Anonymous said...

Woohoo ! .... it's about time they got their finger out !

Good for you my friend for being tenacious !!

Hugs to Mr Indi and take one for yourself !

her xxxxxxxxxx

Daria said...

You go girl!

Good job gettin' thing happenin'.

Talk care,

Anonymous said...

HOO bloody RAY !!!!! Well done Sis, S & R thank goodness the ball is rolling. Let's hope next week everything will be in place. Mucho lovo. The Banjo xxxxxxxxx

Muderma said...

Its the change of president that's done it ! Hoo-rama for Obama !

I'll bet your lunch-time friend who didnt turn up has knitted his lordship a pee-pot cover ! Striped ... with lace ... and ribbons ... and sequins ... and bows ... and ... and ...

Joseph Tame said...

Excellent news! You showed 'em girl!