Monday, January 12, 2009

The Cardi!

Here it it - the cardi. And, as luck would have it, my beautiful granddaughter came by yesterday and was able to take the cardi with her. It's a little bit big but that's a good thing. She was really happy with it as pink still is her fave color.

Mr. Indi was unable to do much of anything yesterday. I don't know if the outing on Saturday wore him out or if it was just another bad day. He was nauseated most of the day and didn't eat hardly anything. He also felt very anxious and afraid so the anti-anxiety drugs are not doing much good. I gave him one of my Valium pills and that sent him off to sleep for a couple of hours but he was still very weak and unable to get out of bed. We shall call the doctor today and ask if he should get a blood test this week. I am worried that his blood counts have dropped badly - and he still has 10 days of the chemo pills to take.

Well, tis a short blog today - I forgot to put the rubbish out last night - and, as our rubbish men come at about 6:30 a.m., I'd better shift myself and get it out there.


Daria said...

It beautiful ... what a lucky granddaughter!


lexi said...

Indi, I love this pink sweater! Looks just the right size, no need to buy a new pattern. Will you make one for me in your spare time? Ah just fooling, thought I'd give you back a laugh.....big grin
