Sunday, January 11, 2009

Win Some - Lose Some!

The wind died down quite a bit and so, by mid-morning, I decided that we should drive down to Pechanga for lunch and so that I could satisfy the need to chuck some money into a slot machine. It's only about a 45 minute trip and is actually a very pretty drive through rolling hills and down into the Temecula Valley wine country. Mr. Indi wasn't keen on the idea, but he didn't put up too much of a fight.

Things started out on the wrong foot when Mr. Indi lost his balance as he was trying to get into the car. Down he went! Arghhhh! I was so scared that he had broken something but he seemed OK and with me pulling and pushing, he was able to get up off the driveway and into the front seat. Oh dear, he seems to be becoming more and more paralyzed in his lower half. Anyway, I was glad that I was able to help him get up - although this morning, I feel like I did 12 rounds with Joe Frazier!

We had a nice drive down to the casino and I used the valet parking which is really handy - and FREE! The valet was very kind and helpful and got the transporter chair and Mr. Indi's walker out of the car for me and got him all situated so that all I had to do was push! And push - and push! By the time we got into the casino I was quite out of puff! I had to sit and rest for a while before continuing on to the restaurant but I made it in the end. Me pushing and Mr. Indi holding his walker, my handbag and a urine bottle hidden in a shopping bag! Empty, I might add - for emergencies only!

We had quite a lovely lunch - Me, fried shrimp and big fat chips -Him, a triple-decker club sammie with a bowl of fresh fruit. But, the best part was the badly needed cold beer which helped me to get my breathing back to normal and my heart rate down to somewhere below 250!

After lunch, we found two machines to play and got settled in for a pleasant hour of money wasting. Actually, we did quite well - we put $80 in and took $95 out! So, our winnings almost paid for our lunch! Nice job!

Before leaving for the return trip, his Lordship had to use the men's room. I pushed him over to the entrance where he then got out of the chair and used his walker. A lovely male attendant came running out and offered to watch over him and took the chair so that he could wheel him back to me. How kind. After a few minutes, the attendant came out and asked me, "Is he doing a poop?" I was rather taken aback! How the heck do I know what he was doing? I suppose he (the attendant) didn't want to stand around if this was going to be another marathon sit! Hehehe! But, no, things were completed in just a few minutes and pretty soon here came his Lordship in his throne being pushed by his man servant!

We were back home by 4:00 p.m. and really, other than the fall, we had a very nice little jaunt.

I haven't seen the ocean for several weeks and am getting the urge. So today's picture is one taken last July by my friend S. I love the ocean - it must be because I'm a Pisces.


Anonymous said...

Hopefully this works - Here is a shot of the Confederation Bridge that joins Prince Edward Island to New Brunswick.


Anonymous said...

Awwww ... much love to you both ... and the pic looks lovely; I had a good subject!!