Monday, January 19, 2009

Kon Tiki and Football

My son and DIL came over to visit and stayed to have liver and onions and bacon with us. It wasn't the best liver that we've every had but was better than one can get in most restaurants. And we washed it down with Bailey's! Even Mr. Indi had a glass - naughty boy. I don't know - Bailey's and liver just don't seem to go together! But by the end of a busy Sunday - Bailey's starts to taste good with anything!

My son bought his Lordship a copy of the book - Kon Tiki by Thor Heyerdahl. Mr. Indi had read it many years ago but was really pleased to get a new copy and is looking forward to reading it again - he loves adventure books.

While dinner was cooking, we were all keeping one eye on the play-off football game between Pittsburgh and Baltimore. Neither Mr. Indi nor I are big football fans - but D's Dad is from Pittsburgh so we were all rooting for them - and - they won! Yea! I much prefer baseball because when the baseball season starts, I know that it is springtime and all the flowers will soon be in bloom! Mr. Indi does not do sports at all ( except fishing) - he was never allowed to get involved in sports as a kid - his Dad thought it a waste of time and so - after school - he worked at a bicycle shop from the age of 12. He knows how to fix a bike! And just about anything else! I suppose that is why he became an engineer.

The insurance lady will be here early this morning to evaluate Mr. Indi's situation. So - I will get moving and do a quick tidy - We don't want her to think we live in a tip - do we?

The picture is one I took last May of a bunch of red carnations at the Temecula Farmer's Market. I doctored the picture in PSP (I figured out how to outline the edges of the flower petals - ain't I a clever dick!)


Daria said...

Your pictures are gorgeous. I enjoy them and your posts very much.

From a balmy Edmonton ... today's forecast is 52 °F.


ipa said...

Hi Daria,

Thank you so much for our kind words. They mean a lot xxx

52F in Edmonton is nice - Wow. Today we are at 84F but a cooling trend coming for the weekend.

I have been reading your blog and was happy to see that you have done research into the type of help available. Great idea. Lots of wonderful people out there to help you and John get through this battle.

Thinking of you