Sunday, January 11, 2009

Why Me and Religion Don't Hit It Off!

I think I mentioned a few days ago that, while I was out running around doing chores, I stopped in at Brian's Pizza place for a quick beer and a sit. While I was there, one of the chaps that clears off tables and delivers orders came over and asked about Mr. Indi.

This chap (in his 40s, I would guess) is from Mexico - not very fluent in English and not the brightest star in the sky. However, he is a wonderful caring person and will always come across with hugs - for both me and Mr. Indi. He told me about his English class - he is taking an adult ed class for ESL (English as a second language.) He is taking the class through an adult ed program at a state run school (not a private school.) He told me he didn't want to take the class any more because of his teacher. I asked him why.

His teacher is a "Born Again Christian" and has told him that if he doesn't accept Christ into his life - and if he doesn't give himself to God, that, when he dies, he will burn in hell for eternity!

This poor guy, I'll call him Eric, is so upset and he doesn't know what to do. He was raised as a Roman Catholic in Mexico (the predominant religion) but according to this teacher - that isn't Christian enough!

Well, I am irate and if I didn't have so much to worry about I would be taking this issue to the State School Board. First of all, it is illegal for any school that receives state funding to teach religion - except as a part of a Religious Studies course - covering all religions. Second, it is outrageous that this woman would scare the wits out of this very loving and vulnerable man.

If she had said something like that to me, I would have told her that I am a Buddhist and hope she comes back as a fly so that she can live on horse poop until her next life!

If what she stands for is Christianity - she can shove it!

I took the picture in 2006 in Morro Bay.


Muderma said...

That's awful, Indi ... go ahead and complain ... I would, and you know what I do !

NO-ONE should say things like that; its called bullying in my book ...

Anonymous said...

You're 100% right, of course, so get me the info and I'll pass it up the chain. That teacher is completely in the wrong and should be held accountable.
