Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Pitter- Patter of....Possums?

Mr. Indi isn't feeling well, at all. If he sits in the chair for more than an hour, he becomes so uncomfortable that I have to push him down the hall to the bedroom so that he can lie down. His bum goes to sleep and his left leg in particular feels like a lead weight. But, you know what happens! Usually, about half an hour after I have got him settled on the bed, he has to visit his auntie! Grrr. So, back in the chair and up the hallway to the big bathroom (easier to maneuver than the other one.) After 15 minutes on the pot with a crossword puzzle - but usually not much action - it's time to make a decision; the chair or the bed? So, it's back in the chair and either a right or left turn out of the bathroom to the comfy chair or the comfy bed! This procedure is repeated 8-10 times a day by which time I am crawling on my hands and knees! We have also upped his painkillers to try and give him a little more comfort.

We have cancelled the doctor's appt for Monday (tomorrow) because, for one thing, I hadn't arranged for someone to help me - I don't know if and when the home help might show up and- Dr. J is on vacation and so Mr. Indi would see a sub anyway. So - best to call it off. However, his Lordship's brother will be here on Tuesday morning to help me take Mr. Indi to see the neuro-surgeon - and for that, I am thankful.

The forecast is for showers and - as I lay awake at 2:00 a.m - I could have sworn that I heard a pitter patter on the roof. But, when I got up at 5:00 and went outside for the newspaper it was dry as a bone - no sign of even a sprinkle. I wonder if that baby possum was running around up there?

Once again, a BIG THANK YOU to all the kind people who have posted on the blog and sent me emails and also phone calls. It's a big boost when I know that people care - Love to all of you xxx

As most of you know, I am not, with a capital NOT, a religious person - BUT - I do love art and particularly sculpture and I really like this picture that I took last October of a sculpture in the courtyard of the Mission San Diego. The lighting through the trees was so pretty. I know that the sculpture is of Jesus and Mary Magdalene but I don't know who the other chap is. Maybe Granny Williams can tell me. And, I hope you all like the picture.


Muderma said...

Ok ... you DID ask !

I think the beautiful sculpture is of Christ when taken down from the cross (you can just see the mark of the spear under his right side ribs). The other two may be Mary his mother, or Mary Magdelene; and maybe John (not the Baptist, he was already beheaded by Herod, the other one ... the disciple 'whom Jesus loved')

There's a painting I like of the same thing in a cathedral in N. Kenya ... see it here ...

Daria said...

I'm so sorry John is doing so poorly and how difficult it must be for both of you.

My thoughts are with you and John,