Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Pretty Start to a Good Day!

Our Patient Liaison/Advocate showed up at 8:15 and stayed for at least 2 hours. What a nice lady she is too. She's a registered nurse and also a member of the home hospice staff for the local area. She gave us lots of information as to the services that are available - some covered by insurance - some not - and she promised that her first priority will get a nurse out here on either Wednesday or Thursday to get a blood draw from his Lordship. Boy, that is a load off my mind as I was really dreading trying to get him down to that blood lab. After she has got that arranged, she will work on getting someone here on Monday morning to help Mr. Indi down the steps and into the car for his appointment with Dr. J at 10:45; preferably a big strong burly bloke!

She spent time inspecting our bathrooms and looked at ways that the shower and/or bathtub could be made safe for Mr. Indi to use - without becoming too intrusive on the lives of others in the home - namely ME! She is also going to send us literature about a home alarm system that Mr. Indi can wear as a wristband and can use to alert the local fire department if he should fall down while I'm out shopping or at my own docs or dentists appts. It is only about $30 a month and would give us both some sense of security while he is here alone. Who would have ever thought that my big old 6'2" 235 lb bloke would ever need one of those - "I've fallen and I can't get up" devices! What on earth will it be next - an ear trumpet? A wooden leg? A Chia Pet on the window sill? How things change!

Our Patient rep is also going to get someone to come out to the house and look into installing a handrail down the wall next to the front door steps. The house is a covered in wood siding so it should be a fairly easy job. We will have to pay for it ourselves but if it means that his Lordship can get down the steps to the pathway, I don't care about the cost. How much can a handrail be, anyway?

So - all in all - our visit from our rep was very positive and she will definitely get the ball rolling for us.

Today is Inauguration Day for Barack Obama - what an historic occasion for all of us to see. I shall have the TV on all day, no doubt - and I just hope that nothing untoward will happen. BIL and SIL are coming to visit his Lordship today - not sure what we shall do - maybe get him out of the house and do a bit of Italian - Chicken Parmigiana sounds good.

I took the picture yesterday morning - what a sunrise it was. I was out getting the newspaper when I saw it and dived back into the house to get the camera - I caught the pinks and purples just before the sun came up over the eastern horizon. I posted the pic on another web page and gave it the wrong date! Sept 19 08. Duh! What a silly old moo, I am. I'm only one year behind!

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