Friday, December 5, 2008

On The Rocks!

As many of my friends and family in England, Wales, and Canada are now suffering the force of Mother Nature's winter cycle, I thought I would make you all feel better by posting a picture of me and him at one of our beautiful beaches last October. Now, doesn't that make you feel warmer?

You can also see from this picture (taken by my lovely friend S) that it is a miracle that such a scrawny old woman can push a big gorilla like him around in a transport chair! Just goes to show what you can do when you put a bit of elbow grease into it! Also, how strong people are when they have no brains!

Yesterday was Mr. Indi's last visit to the radiation center. Dr. R was mildly optimistic regarding the success of the 10 day treatment. I think she had hoped to see a bit more movement in his legs but was happy that his pain level has decreased. She explained that radiation keeps on working for many weeks after treatment has ceased and he should see further improvement. He has a follow up appointment in 30 days. I was also able to get the CD of Mr. Indi's MRI scan to take to the neuro-surgeon, when we get the appointment.

So, we now have a few days off before Mr Indi's next Dr. visit on Monday. Just enough time to do a bit of skivvying and maybe catch up on some knitting. Mr. Indi has talked to his boss and will be working from home at least until the end of the year when we shall have to start looking at some retirement or disability options. The problem with him taking retirement is that in the last couple of months we have lost 1/3 of his retirement savings (a whole heap of money) He has been saving into his retirement account for 21 years - so that means that 7 years worth of savings have disappeared with the stock market crash! Might as well have stuffed it under the mattress! or spent it on lunch!

I have sent out invitations for our little nibbles and sips get-together on December 13. Mr. Indi's boss has emailed it to EVERYONE in the department and beyond! ARGH! What shall I do if 150 people show up and all I have is a bowl of chips and dip and 2 bottles of wine? Blame it on the maid! You can't get good help these days!

I told you that there would be no Christmas decorations this year - well - I have gone back on my word and, against my better judgement, purchased a very sweet Santa and some elves to put on the mantle above the fireplace. More tat to put away in January!


Muderma said...

Just goes to show what you can do when you put a bit of elbow grease into it! Also, how strong people are when they have no brains!

(And when they let out the brake ! :-) )

Daria said...

Yes ... that is a really nice picture.

Please send some heat up north ... my toes are frigid.