Sunday, December 14, 2008

And A Good Time Was Had...

Our little Christmas get together turned out to be most enjoyable. And my fears of hundreds of people rushing through the front door were unfounded! But, I was so happy that some of Mr. Indi's work mates were able to make it and I really enjoyed meeting them. Although, when they started to talk about the upcoming projects and year-end reviews, I kicked Mr. Indi in the shins and told him to put a sock in it!

One of his engineers, a lovely man from Russia, who got his degree from the University of Leningrad, bought us a fabulous box of Russian chocolates. They were all dark chocolate (my fave) and I wanted to keep them to myself - but being the good little hostess that I am, ahem, I passed them around with the port and now half of them are gone! He also gave us a Russian tea service as a Christmas gift - he knows that we are big tea drinkers. What a charming and interesting chap. All of the blokes were very interested in Mr. Indi's model making - particularly the Sopwith Camel - which is quite large and takes up the entire coffee table in the family room. It really is lovely - I must post a picture one of these days! And - they all ended up in the garage (workshop) looking at saws and lathes! How interesting - NOT!

Some of our friends and family stopped by too - and everyone enjoyed the food. We had a few laughs and downed a few brewskis and by 8:00 p.m. I was dead on my feet! I took the advice of Julia Child (famous American Chef - now dead - sadly) who once said, "Why ruin a perfectly lovely evening by doing the washing up? - Close the kitchen door, have a nightcap and go to bed!" So that's what I did. I now face a mell of a hess in the kitchen but it won't take long to tidy - once I've had a few cups of tea.

Today will be a quiet one - we hope! It's very cold outside and rain is on the way so tomorrow, I shall call a chimney sweep to do my chimney so that I can start burning a log fire. I look forward to that. Burning the fire - not having the sweep!

The picture is one I took just before the first guests arrived. I was going to do a before and after but there isn't much after!


Anonymous said...

Glad everyting went well.

We are in the midst of a windchill warning these days (-40 or some such nonsense). Good time to brew your favourite hot drink and curl up in the easy chair with a book.

Best of the holidays season to you and yours,

g a r

Daria said...

I'm so glad everything turned out so nice for you and John. It is always a lot of work to organize one of these thing.

Stay warm,

Anonymous said...

Your festive table looks lovely - glad everyone had a great time, almost over and done with for another year, shame really but what a relief for the cooks and bottlewashers!
