Thursday, December 18, 2008

Fit For Neither Man Nor Beast!

Yesterday was a corker of a weather day. The rain started at about 6:00 a.m. and didn't let up for at least 12 hours - it came down in torrents and as the day wore on, the temperature dropped to almost freezing. The snow level dropped to 1200 feet - we are at 900 feet- and all of the mountain roads were closed. People who work in Los Angeles and had managed to get to work in the morning had no way to get home to Palmdale, Victorville or anywhere up in the high desert. Hundreds of trucks are stuck at the side of the road and, as of 5:00 this morning, the roads are still closed. Many people slept in their cars in the freezing cold. Brrrr!

I am so glad that I had spent the time chopping wood and dragging logs up to the side porch as I was able to light a lovely fire in the afternoon without venturing into the rain. As we didn't go anywhere, I had a chance to work on the granddaughters sweater but still am not finished! The harder I try, the slower I go! I spent at least an hour watching the lovely dancing flames going up the chimney!

Mr. Indi spent half the day on the phone with the doctor's office and the insurance company trying to find out why there is a hold up in the authorization. One person refers him to another who refers him back to the first person he spoke to - Grrrr! Typical! He has come to the conclusion that the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing. AND - they couldn't find their bum with BOTH hands!

He also spent some time on his computer looking for just the right laptop for me, from Santa. I think he has finally decided on a very nice Dell and, as I had a choice of colors, I have picked Flamingo Pink! I'm real anxious to get it as it is a pain in the rear having to come back in the family room to use my big computer when I could be snuggled up by the fire using a lovely pink Dell! Roll on Santa!

We received a lovely present in the post from Mr. Indi's relatives - it was a large freezer type box and said OPEN IMMEDIATELY. So I did! It was full of frozen meat, chicken and fish from a very well known distributor. Wow! What a neat present. The trouble is that I don't have a freezer - just 2 old refrigerators with small freezer compartments. Both freezers had food of dubious origin in them so it was a good time for me to have a good clear out! I knew that there was a leg of New Zealand lamb at the back of one of the freezers - and I knew it had been there quite a while - so I thought that it was time to check the date and maybe throw it out. It said 'Best before Sept 12 1999' WHAT! That lamb had been there for 9 years! It is now mutton! So, it was with a heavy heart that I threw it in the rubbish. I felt like I was throwing away a member of the family! After all, it was almost a teenager!
Today's picture is one I took off the internet. That was our weather at 2:20 yesterday afternoon - you can see that the snow reached all the way to Las Vegas. I'm happy to say that it has now cleared out of here and is on it's way to my dear friend, A, in Colorado! Bring in your brass monkeys tonight!


Muderma said...

Better ask himself for a freezer as well as a pink laptop !

Frozen 9 year old mutton ? Eat it ! The stuff they found left behind by Captain Scott at the South Pole was still edible after 80 years !

Daria said...

A new 'pink flamingo' laptop .... sounds like a wonderful present from Santa.

Stay warm by the fire,

ipa said...

Hi Granny,
I told Mr. Indi in about 1980, that if he ever bought me an appliance - of ANY description - for Christmas or my birthday, that he would be wearing said appliance wrapped around his neck!So - the freezer is out!