Sunday, December 28, 2008

Once in a Blue Moon.

I don't know what is happening to Mr. Indi but he has been very nauseated for the past couple of days. I have started to give him Compazine every 8 hours and it seems to be helping although he's still a bit queasy round the edges. I wonder if it might be because his body is getting saturated with morphine. The Compazine is one of the anti-nausea drugs that they gave him when he was on chemo - I hope it's OK to give it to him but I can't get hold of anyone until tomorrow - so will keep fingers crossed that I'm not doing more harm than good!

We didn't venture far yesterday - just down to the mega-drug store to stock up on meds to make Mr. Indi go to the lavatory - and other drugs to stop him from going to the lavatory in case the first lot start working too well! I am becoming an expert on the human bowel system and what to take /or not to take depending on the situation! I shall write a book - "To Go or Not to Go!"

We also swung by the mega DIY store so that I could stock up on bundles of wood that I can chop up for kindling. A very kind couple - young people with two sweet little kids - where kind enough to help me load the wood into the back of the van and helped Mr. Indi into the front. There are some very lovely people in the world.

The rest of my day was spent chopping wood, lighting the fire, cooking pork loin with stuffing and veg, knitting the button border on the dreaded cardigan and putting Mr. Indi to bed - in other words - just lying around! I also wandered round the back garden with my new fangled camera and took a few pics of the last of the roses. The one shown is called Blue Moon - although I think the cold weather has made it more of a Violet Moon. As soon as the weather gets a bit warmer, I shall prune them all down. Ta ta roses!

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