Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Smiley Face History!

The sky was very clear last night and when I took the garbage out at about 7 p.m. I saw the magical sight in the sky! The Moon, Jupiter and Venus all shining brightly in a very small area of the sky. I had read that from down in OZ, it looks like a smiley face in the sky but here, up in the northern hemi, the smiley face is on his head! I rushed into the house and got the camera - Mr. Indi wondered what on earth I was snapping in the back garden in the dark!- and got this (not very good)picture Still, I can say that I took it AND save it for posterity.

Mr. Indi didn't feel at all well after radiation yesterday. His back hurt very badly and he was a little sick to his stomach. He spent the rest of the morning in bed while I did my impression of a chicken with it's head cut off! I was all caught up by noon and we went out for a bite to eat - which was less than satisfactory - so we won't go into details. But, for dinner, I made the most delish home made hamburgers that one could ever hope for. Slathered with mayo, salsa, avocado, dill pickles, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, green chilis on a toasted bakery bun - I call it The Kitchen Sink Burger! Yum!

Some people want to know why I am called India Pale Ale. Well, I'll tell ya! The name I was registered and christened with began with the initials IPA. My dad, being a bit of a beer lover - OK - a boozer! - used to call me India Pale Ale, which, as all beer connoisseurs know, is a special brew of a horrible bitter and very hoppy flavoured ale that was developed so that when beer was shipped from England to India it didn't go off. (Interesting reading if you google it) Actually, I have always been known by my middle name, Pale! Hehehehe - I mean Pam - and you may call me that if you like BUT all of my closest friends call me India! So, now you know!

More radiation this morning and then I am going to take his Lordship out to breakfast at a local cafe called Pat's Kitchen that has the best ham and eggs in the world. To hell with the cholesterol! Live dangerously, I say!


Anonymous said...

as one of your good friends, i'm still gonna call you sis

ipa said...

My Dear Wayne,
It's lovely to have a bro - and you can always call me sis!
Love - Old Sis xx