Sunday, December 21, 2008

A Trip to Borders

Borders is a very large and very wonderful book store that also sells DVDs and Mr. Indi and I went with the express purpose of buying him the collector's edition of Lawrence of Arabia. We got that - and the collector's edition of Monty Python films - including The Life of Brian and a couple of Mel Brooks films including High Anxiety! AND, that was before we looked at any of the books that we wanted! Cor Struth - They must love us!

I have finished my latest read The Gold Coast by Nelson DeMille and even though it was all about murder and sex and the Mafia and crooks and thugs and other basic New York life! - I loved it. It is so well written, witty and believable - I was sorry to finish it. But that is enough excitement for a while so I bought Eric Clapton's autobiography to read next. I know that there will be parts of it that are very sad - but I am interested to read about his life. Will post a review on the blog when I get finished.

Mr. Indi decided that he wanted a different kind of walker and insisted on going down to Payless Drug and getting a 4 wheel drive thing. See link:

It's the one in the picture labeled Mobility. I am very apprehensive about him using this contraption as I am afraid that it will run out from under him and he will plant his face on the ground. But, he is a stubborn old fart and won't listen to me. Anyway, we now have 3 different walkers littering the house - I shall trip over one of them - break my leg and that will be that! His Lordship is going to try the new one out today when we go down to the grocery store. (Between you, me and the gate post - I bet it will be the only time he uses it!)

I want to take a minute to wish a Merry Christmas to some of my friends for whom I don't have postal addresses. To Dear Jan and Tony, You are in my heart. To Dear Annie, Wishing you a Wonderful White Christmas. To Dear Joseph, Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful bride in Japan and thank you for your kind thoughts. To Dear Daria, May the New Year bring good things to you; you are in my heart. To Dear GAR, keep playing those happy tunes and have a wonderful Christmas. To my Little Bruvver, Wayne and his lovely new bride, "Ave one fer me!

Hope I haven't forgotten anyone.

Today's picture is of a gigantic toy soldier at the entrance to the Mission Inn - he is about 15 feet tall - I love him!


Anonymous said...

A merry chrimble to you and yours,have a good one and be a good girl, lol as if
wayne and karen

Anonymous said...

Thanks Indi,

Merry Christmas to you and Mr. Indi, and to all those near and dear to your heart


Daria said...

Wishing you and Mr. Indi the best of everything ... peace be with you.
