Wednesday, December 24, 2008

A Very Small World!

A few days ago, I got a note from a very nice friend and Internet buddy who happened to be visiting the cemetery where Ma's remains (she was cremated) are buried in a lovely little box and covered with a nice black marble slab. I told my friend that if she had the time, could she just stop by and say "Hello" to Ma and tell her that I think of her often. I also gave instructions as to the approximate site of the stone.

My friend went with her hubby and mother in law to visit the grave of her father in law, who had grown up in the town and lived there most of his life - although the family no longer lives in the area. While my friend's hubby and MIL did a little housekeeping on FIL's grave, my friend went to look for Ma. Not having any luck, she went back to check on hubby and MIL and that is when she spotted Ma's grave. It's right NEXT to the grave of her FIL! Is this a coincidence or what! You could have knocked my friend down with a feather! AND - me too - when she wrote to me last night! So - here is the story - Me (a lady in California) has a friend (living in Gloucestershire) who is checking on a grave (in Herefordshire) and finds my Ma buried next to her father in law! Is it a small world ? Anyway, a big Thank You to my friend - what a nice Christmas present!

Mr. Indi had a very bad day yesterday. He didn't want to stay home alone so came with me as I ran around like a mad woman - putting gas in the car - getting money from the bank - doing last minute shopping at the grocery market - and going to the Auto Club and getting the paperwork done on both cars - and - by the time I was through and it was time for lunch - he just couldn't go on. I bought him home and put him in bed. So - no steak lunch for him - or me! He was having awful pains in his ribs and torso and was feeling quite nauseated for most of the day. I was afraid he had a fever - but no - so I just left him in bed to rest. He is feeling a bit better this morning. I'm hoping he doesn't get ill over Christmas - and in fact I just wish that Christmas would hurry up and go away! Bah Humbug!

I want to send lots of love and hugs and kisses to my 2 sisters in law who have both been in the hospital during the past week. They are both back home now and I wish them better health in the New Year. Hope to see you soon xxx

Today's picture is another one from the Mission Inn - this snowguy is about 7 feet tall and quite lovely! I suspect he is a football (soccer in the USA) supporter - but can't figure out what team the scarf represents. Any ideas?

1 comment:

Daria said...

Dam that cancer .... I pray the pain subsides.
