Monday, December 8, 2008

Maybe...One Day....!

I might just be able to squeeze in a couple of hours to do some things on my to-do list! Including finding the time to sew together the pieces of cardigan that I have knitted for my granddaughter. At the rate I'm going, she will be 23 by the time it's finished! Yesterday, I picked it up at least 3 times but put it down before I even got the needle threaded - more important matters were calling!

While my visitors was here on Saturday, I had them load our old telly into the back of the van - it actually works well and has a very nice picture so I was taking it to Goodwill (charity shop) Mr. Indi suggested that I get a few more things together to donate. (Mr. Indi thinks I don't have enough to do!) I did find some clothes from my super-skinny days (I've gained a few lbs from stuffing my face with ice cream!) and his Lordship also suggest that we get rid of an old set of suitcases. Cor struth! The cases weighed a ton and by the time I got the van loaded with all that old clobber AND Mr. Indi's transport chair AND Mr. Indi and his walker, I was too tired to drive anywhere! But, we made it over to the Goodwill store (about 10 miles) and luckily, the man had a cart and unloaded everything for me and rolled it away! Goodbye telly!

"Right!" I said. "I'm on strike until I get some lunch." We were just down the road from the Elephant Bar and that was Mr. Indi's suggestion. I wasn't real keen in light of my last experience at that place - you do remember the lamb shank that was more like poached elephant? (as suggested by Mandy Moo!) but I was too weary to argue - so off we went -and it was surprisingly good - I had Chicken Marsala and he had Sweet and Sour Thai Chicken. Between the food and a large cold beer, I had regained all of my strength and was ready to tackle the next item on the agenda - the supermarket!

We arrived back home at about 3:00 pm and had a little rest before deciding to spend the rest of our afternoon watching a movie - and a darn good movie it was too! I highly recommend "The Bank Job" a British film starring Jason Statham. It's based on a true story and is a ripping good yarn. Don't watch it if you are offended by swearing and a bit of blood and gore - but the violence and bad language are only a small part of a very good story and it's very well acted. I'll give it 4 stars!

Today is another day filled with TTD (Things To Do) The most important of which is to take Mr. Indi to see Dr. Nelson at 10:00 a.m. to try and get the OK to see a neuro-surgeon. I call him Lord Nelson but I think he's got 2 eyes! I also have to get the Christmas cards to England in the mail - AND - work on the cardigan! Ha Ha!

Today's picture is one that I took at the Mission San Buenaventura in 2005. Hope you like it.

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