Saturday, December 13, 2008

Party Time!

Well, I'm ready! All the food is prepared - all the booze is in a big box in the garage - my lovely green Christmas tablecloth is ironed - so, I await the hoards! Then why do I feel so sad? I think it's because there are so few Christmas decorations up in the house. Mr. Indi can't possibly get anything down out of the attic above the garage and so this will be the first time since we have lived in this house (21 years!) that there is no Christmas tree - no wreath on the door and yes, believe it or not - no Nativity creche! I know that me having such an item will come as a surprise to some of my friends - BUT - while I don't do the god thing - I do believe there was a man named Jesus - a kind and good man - and I love the story of his birth - embellished as it may be! So, I miss my lovely stable with my lovely ceramic camel and cow and sheep and the sweet little baby with his Mom and Dad!

Yesterday was all go - in fact I didn't have time to go and pick up Mr. Indi's prescription - so must do that this morning. I had to go back to the party store because I had forgotten cocktail napkins - so I picked up another couple of flashing light necklaces to give to a couple of friends. I wore mine all day yesterday and received many compliments (and a few snickers!) The lights are actually tiny lasers and I think I almost blinded the old woman standing in the line behind me at the grocery store. Serves her right - doesn't she know it's rude to stare at people!

I am now begining to worry that, while I have enough food for half the population of California, only 3 of them will show up! Mr. Indi and I will be eating salami, cheese, grapes and sausage rolls for breakfast, lunch and dinner! I will take a photo of the party table before anyone touches anything - it will probably look the same 3 hours later! Except the cheese will have curled up at the edges! I'll be glad when tomorrow comes! I have promised myself that I will knit tomorrow!

The picture is of last night's full moon. In case you didn't read about it - the moon was the closest it has been to Earth in the last 15 years. It was pretty but I've seen better! And, my camera doesn't do night very well. I have a lovely telescope that Mr. Indi bought me last year - but haven't figured out how to take a picture through it yet. One day - when I have time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a great time and managed to fit them all in the house! Will call you this evening Love Banjo