Monday, December 1, 2008

HP is Toast!

Mr. Indi had decided that it was time for me to get a new laptop computer - and so that is what I am getting from Santa. My old laptop (HP) is at least 7 years old; a bit slow and clunky and acts strangely at times - kind of like me! So, yesterday, his Lordship was sitting at the coffee table using the HP to look on the web for laptops when all of a sudden - Poof! It died - and I mean died. I suppose it was HP's way of warning me not to get another HP! So, now I only have one computer - my Dell, and I feel very vulnerable - what will I do if this dies too? - Oh, the horror of it all - how could I live without a computer? I can't bear the idea! (Daft really, isn't it?)

Yesterday was a fairly good day overall. I took Mr. Indi down to the shops and managed to push him, in his chair, into my favorite clothing store where I bought a lovely red jacket and 3 sweaters! This chair is good - it knows what shops to go to!

I am going to organize a little Christmas get together on Saturday 13th December between 3 and 5 for everyone to come over and say Merry Christmas to me and him. Nothing special - just some egg nog etc and a few munchies. Anybody and everybody is invited. I am unable to put up the tree or Christmas lights as they are all put away in the attic and I would have to risk life and limb to get it all down - besides which - I can't be coping with any more work than I already have! So, the house will be sans all the Christmas tat but I'm sure nobody will mind.

It's back to the radiation routine this morning and we shall need to dress warmly when we leave the house at 6:45 - it's only 44 degrees out there (7C) Brrr!

I took the picture yesterday. It is outside Chili's restaurant where they have a lovely rose garden with the whitest white roses that I have ever seen. Pretty!


Daria said...

What a beautiful picture of the rose.

I'm excited for you about a new laptop. The new ones are amazing.


Anonymous said...

7c ain't cold sis, it was -2 this morning in sunny birmingham on sea,
the whispered sounds of neighbours scraping ice off their cars woke me up. lol
best to you both
little bro wayne

Muderma said...

Just send the airfare/tickets, IPA, and I'll be there on the 13th !

Get the best most fancy laptop Santa can afford ... you deserve it !
