Saturday, November 15, 2008

Tuesday Will Be The Day - With Luck!

As you can see from the previous post, yesterday was a sad day.

I continue to clean out my little baskets and as of this morning, I have chucked about 400 Christmas and Birthday cards in the recycle bin! I have sat and read all of them - some going back to 1999. They have made me laugh and they have made me cry and some of the bloody things are a complete mystery and have made me scratch my head! Who in the heck are Barbara and Edward and their kids? If you are in the audience, will you please stand up and identify yourselves? You sent us a beautiful Christmas card in 2004 but I don't think I have ever met you - or maybe we were on the Bailey's?

After several phone calls, Mr. Indi finally got through to the "insurance authorization representative" re his MRI. The test has been OK'd and they called at 3:00 p.m. and asked if he could be at the MRI imaging clinic at 3:30. - WHAT? Do they think he is just sitting around waiting to dive into the machine! Pfft! Anyway, we couldn't get there by 3:30 even if we wanted to because his Lordship was having trouble with his afternoon constitutional - don't ask! He can't go on Monday because he has to go to the chemo clinic for an Aredia treatment so it will have to be Tuesday.

I turned on the telly at 5:00 a.m to find that there is another wild fire raging here in Southern California. It is so sad to see people's houses engulfed in flames - so many memories lost. I do worry about all of my family photos and other treasures and am thinking of getting another fire box to keep some special things safe. We already have one small fire box were we keep important documents - insurance papers, our birth certs, passports, etc - but it's quite small so I think I need a bigger version for some of my family history clobber.

Mr. Indi is still having trouble with walking and is very nervous of falling down. We may have to start looking at walking frames. Or at least something that he can hold onto in the shower. Any ideas? (I know some smarty pants will say that he could hold on to me!) Kidding aside, it really is a worry as he is a big chap and if he goes down, I would have to leave him lying on his back with his feet up in the air until I could get some help - which might take several hours if I stop by Brian's place first for a couple of pints and a game of trivia!

I took the picture of the dahlia last September - outside of a flower shop in San Clemente. I love the dahlias with ragged edges.


Muderma said...

How about some sort of seat in the shower ? Could he reach the water controls sitting down ... or maybe you WILL have to shower with him !

Hmmm ...could be fun !

And I pray the fires won't get anywhere near you IPA ... I'm following them on the BBC...

ipa said...

Hi Granny,
The latest fire is only about 10 miles from me - I have taken pics and will post them tomorrow. The fire is very close to DIL parents home - our fingers are crossed!

I'm looking into getting a bar to put on the shower wall - NO - not that kind of bar! He can't mix drink with the morphine! A hold - me - steady bar. I wonder if they make them with suction cups - hmmm - will have to Google!

Muderma said...

I suspect suction cups might not be strong enough for safety; the damp may get behind the suckers and take it off if any pull is put on them ... unless of course Mr Indi weights next to nowt !

Better for safety to have something screwed firmly to the wall.