Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A Terrible Tuesday!

If life was easy -ha ha! I wouldn't have the strength of character that people say I have - I also wouldn't cry so much - yesterday it was a river!

We got a phone call at about 9:00 a.m. to say that the MRI machine at the Corona facility had gone belly up - (Gosh - I hope there was no-one inside at the time!) They were frantically trying to reschedule Mr. Indi at another facility and after much toing and froing on the phone, we were told to show up at a facility in the city with my most favorite Southern California name - Rancho Cucamunga. We were to be there at 11:00 which gave us half an hour for the 2 of us to get ready! We made it, 5 minutes late but that was because at a medical complex with at least 200 parking spaces, there are only 6 for handicapped people and they are miles from the front door! Pfft!

The technician said that it would take an hour and a half for Mr. Indi's test and after I sat and did a few rows of knitting, I decided to go for a little drive in the neighborhood and see what I could find - maybe a knitting shop! I got up to the main road, turned the corner and WOW - I was right outside of a restaurant that I have driven past about a gazillion times and always wanted to go inside - it's called The Magic Lamp and is a wonderful old building.

I had my camera with me, as always, and took quite a few pictures including the one that I have posted today. It's of one of the stained glass windows in the bar. I sat at the counter and had a nice cold beer and struck up a conversation with the lady bartender, Jean. What a nice lady and a breast cancer survivor - 10 years cancer free! Well done. I was going to have lunch -lovely menu - but decided to wait until Mr. Indi was through with his MRI and we could come back and have lunch together - a decision I later regretted.

I went back to the MRI lab and sat and watched I Love Lucy on a television that was old enough to be a prototype of John Logie Beard's creation! Still, it was an episode of Lucy that I hadn't seen before and me - and 6 other people in the waiting room - laughed so hard the tears were rolling down our faces! She was a brilliant lady.

At 2:00 p.m (almost 3 hours after they took him in) a technician came out and asked if I could help dress Mr. Indi as he was in too much pain to dress himself. Oh dear. The poor, dear man. I went from laughing to crying in a matter of minutes. He was in absolute agony from lying on his back for so long. He's couldn't move and was leaning up against the dressing room wall afraid to budge As I have said before, Mr. Indi is a large fella - almost 250 lbs - and for me to dress him is a bit of a struggle - but I managed. Luckily, we had some extra Vicodin in the pill box on his key chain so I found him some water and shoved the pills down his neck. I was able to help him out to the car and drove straight home - where he curled up on the bed and cried. No more MRI!

So - no lunch - lots of tears - but a nice picture of a stained glass window!


Muderma said...

Dear friends ... I would love to be there to give you both a BIG hug .. (a gentle one for him, of course ..)

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about your lousy day, will call soon. Loads of love to you both.xxxxx

Anonymous said...

Many cyber hugs to you both. Hope the MRI gives you the answers that you need, it had better, for all that effort!!
Good luck.