Thursday, November 27, 2008

Gobble - Gobble

Today is Turkey Day and we have been invited to have dinner at my son and daughter-in-law's house. This will be a real treat for me as I have done the "bird thing" for many a long year. Mr Indi is feeling a little better this morning and looks forward to a visit to a house where he can look at some different walls! He's getting a bit housebound here! D has never done a turkey before - but I know that everything will be quite delish.

Yesterday was a check-up with Dr B after Mr. Indi had his zapping session. We asked lots of questions - got some answers. His restless legs could be caused by many things - but radiation is not one of them. One reason could be a low red cell count from his many chemo sessions and as he had forgotten to give himself his Procrit jab last week - naughty boy! - she suggested that he get back on that routine. The exhaustion is part and parcel of chemo - radiation - and cancer being a pig! The best solution is a multi vitamin and plenty of rest. As regards the constipation, which is causing his Lordship great angst, Dr. B suggested that he stay on the Senokot S AND take Milk of Magnesia at bedtime - cor struth! Watch out!

Something happened at the clinic yesterday which answered the question, what happens if you are in prison and have cancer and need radiation?- Well! they bring you to the radiation center. We were sitting in the waiting room when in walks a sheriff's deputy armed with her baton and gun and asked to see a nurse. Seems they had a patient outside in a paddy wagon! All operations ceased for about a half an hour while they locked the doors, escorted the prisoner into the radiation room and did a zapping. We all sat in the outer waiting room. I don't know for a fact but I think it was a woman prisoner and I couldn't help but feel a little bit sad. I'm so soppy sometimes - but cancer is a bastard - I don't care who has it.

We got back home a little later than usual and had a light breakfast and took all of our meds. Mr Indi had a lie down while I managed to get a couple of loads of washing done but then it was time to run out and do a few chores - put gas in the car - pick up more drugs at Larry's - etc. Mr Indi decided to come with me but we only got as far as Larry's when he was overcome, started sweating profusely and was in terrible pain. It seems his constipation had reached critical mass (pardon the pun!) and he needed to sit NOW! I drove home as fast as I could and awaited the results.

I am not going into any detail except to say it was a world record breaker AND the next place I found myself was in the local grocery store buying a toilet plunger. The staff at American supermarkets are almost always very pleasant and the young lady at aisle 10 was no exception - even on the day before Thanksgiving when the store was heaving with folks pushing dead turkeys around in shopping carts. "Hello" she said, "Are you having a nice day?" I looked at the toilet plunger on the conveyor belt - I looked back at her - and I said, "What do you think?" She just smiled and said, Oh - Well -Happy Thanksgiving!" I wonder what she thought I was going to do with the plunger! Hehehe! The mind boggles.

I cleared the blockage in the toilet - finished the laundry - did the kitchen floor - put the gas in the car - made a nice celery soup for dinner - fed Mr. Indi all his drugs AND 2 large tablespoons of Milk of Magnesia and went to bed! They don't call me Wonder Woman for nothing! BUT - the trouble with being WW is that I am too tired to read my book in bed and that is most annoying as I am dying to find out what happens!


Anonymous said...

i hope you had plenty of squares of the sunday mercury on the string sis,
happy thankssomethingorother

Muderma said...

That has to be the funniest posting I've read in ages ... poor Mr IPA ... (snigger, snigger) ... and poor you, having to plunge out the loo on Thanksgiving (giggle, giggle !)

And the funny word you have to type in where it says 'Type the characters you see above' ... is 'funning' ! Blogger DOES have a sense of humour after all !

XX Granny

Daria said...

Your writing is very funny ... I sure enjoy reading it.

I've been down for a few days so am catching up on your blog.

Happy Belated Thanksgiving Day!

Take care,