Sunday, October 26, 2008

Oh...His Aching...!

Mr. Indi's back is causing him no end of problems and it's a good thing that we didn't go very far yesterday. We only ventured out to the DIY store and a quick trip to "King's Fish House" for lunch.

I needed to go to the garden center at the DIY store to get a few plants to put in the front garden. The vinca in the front flower bed have all got a dose of the wilt and have shrivelled up and keeled over. Hmmmm! I don't understand what happens to them - one day they are happy as larks - well, actually not larks -more like flowers - but the next day PFFFT! I think there is some dreaded lurgi hiding in the soil. Anywhoooo, I got a couple of dozen lovely bronze colored pansies to replace the vinca. I shall try and get them planted today.

I don't know how some of the restaurants that we frequent are staying in business. King's only had about 6 people in the dining room yesterday at lunch time. There were more waiters than customers. I expect we shall see some of these places closing down before long - which would be a shame because King's has the BEST fried oysters in the world. Mr. Indi enjoyed his lunch - a tuna salad sarnie on sour dough bread - even though he could hardly lift his food up to his mouth because of the back pain - grrrr!

We were going to watch a movie after we had a little apres lunch nap BUT - his Lordship's back got much worse and he couldn't get off the bed! Thank goodness he was on the bed because if he had been anywhere else, he would have been stuck! I am the original 98lb weakling (actually 112lb) and he tips the scale at 245lbs! I couldn't move him even if I wanted to! So, the poor old sod was confined to bed for the rest of the day! He is a little better this morning but we shall not be cavorting on the beach today, as previously planned!

I am so happy that there are some things in life that make me laugh - AND - one of them is the blog called Cake Wrecks -

Yesterday's blog entries made me laugh so hard that I almost hurt myself! If you know "Dr. Who" and are familiar with the Daleks, have yourself a good giggle at the Dalek cakes - hysterical!

The sunflower was on a table at an eatery in Temecula - I think!


Anonymous said...

I loved the Darlek cakes made me laugh too! Sorry Mr Indi's back is bad, give him a hug from us all. Mrs Banjo x

Anonymous said...

mandymoo says brilliant darlek cakes neerly wet myself its the sort of cake you want to send your ex husband lol tell uncle John i'm thinking of him & i'm sorry he is in so much pain ! love you lots Moo XXX