Friday, October 24, 2008

Full of Bull!

When people tell me that I'm full of bull - they are indeed correct! My great-grandfather, on Dad's side, was a George Bull and my current mission is to try and figure out where George came from. On the 1841 census, George says that he was born "in the county"- the county being Warwickshire. However, he and his wife, Mary Pimley, were married in Handsworth - which at that time was in Staffordshire. There was a lot of mucking about with the county boundaries in those day which makes genealogy challenging. I do hope I can trace George - I like having a bit of Bull in me!

Mr. Indi spoke to Dina and she gave the OK for him to take two Dilaudid plus one Flexeril tablet very 4-6 hours for his pain. So far so good. The formula seems to be working and, while the pain is still there in the middle of his back, he is able to move about and more or less function.

I got a lovely email yesterday from my nephew and with it was a photo of the new baby and he was covered by "The Blanket!" Ahhhhhh - bless! He's a beautiful little boy - takes after great-auntie!

The picture of the steer skull was one that I took in the little museum at the Mission in San Diego. It was this picture that reminded me of George Bull!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi full of bull. Are you ok? Will try you later love Mrs Banjo xxxx