Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The freeway is only about a quarter of a mile from our house but when they built the 6 lane highway through the middle of town, they dug a culvert and therefore the traffic flows along the road several feet below the level of the town and because of this design, we seldom, if ever, notice the noise of the traffic EXCEPT when the atmospherics are conducive to noise emission AND then the freeway sounds like a great fire-eating dragon coming into my bedroom! Arggggg! And so it was at 3:15 this morning when his Lordship left for work. No peace for the wicked!

Summer is still here although it may be starting to breathe its last gasp - yesterday was 108F at 3:00 p.m. and today will be the same but by the weekend it will drop by 30 degrees. Both me and him are thankful for cooler weather - the heat does not help either of us. Roll on January!

We watched part the the debate last night but it was so boring that I finally went and sat on the back patio and watched the sun set - much more interesting than those two jaw flappers!

The picture was taken last month at Santa Barbara.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry abouut the dragons in your bedroom! Hope they have gone now, love Anjo Banjo x