Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I dropped him off at 9:00 am, as usual. He was all loaded up with magazines, his book, 2 egg sarnies, half a dozen crackers with cheese, 2 little cups of peach bits, and 4 bottles of water. Just enough to keep him going till dinner time.

I, in the meantime, came back to the house and attacked the mountain of laundry that had appeared in the basket. Mr. Indi is having some coordination problems and can't seem to get his food in his mouth, and therefore, I needed to wash several shirts with various remnants of multi-ethnic cuisine droppings down the front! Grrrr!

He called me to say that he would be finished with chemo at 4:30 p.m. I drove down to the clinic and sat in the car doing a few rows of bodging and I waited - and waited. Grrr! He emerged at 4:55. Still, mustn't complain - he looked quite good - not too pale and was eager to get home and have his dinner. I had already got most of the meal prepared so it didn't take me long to finish off the delish liver, bacon, mash and veg. Yum!

The picture is a pretty Monarch that I snapped at the mission in San Diego.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad Mr Indi is ok after the treatment,oooh, I could just do with a bit of liver and bacon myself. Lots of hugsxxxx Mrs Banjo