Thursday, October 9, 2008

Another Day at the Coal Face!

Life doesn't get any easier, do it?

So, as I mentioned in the last blog, his Lordship left for work very early and I knew that he would be home later than usual as he had to attend an important staff meeting and they always drone on and on and ON! So, I wasn't surprised when he called at a little after noon to say he was on his way home. (He usually calls at about 11:00 a.m.)

We chatted about his meeting and how the economic crisis is now affecting their business. It looks as though they may lose some of their contracts - business is definitely slowing down. We chewed the fat about this and that, with Mr. Indi speaking legally on his hand-free telephonic device that will prevent him from having an accident, when he suddenly said, "Oh Oh !What's that? Hmmmm! There is a strange light flashing on the dashboard." Seems the light was telling him that his water was low and his temperature was going up! Yikes!

The long and short of it was that, in 105F degree heat, Mr. Indi had to park at the side of a freeway off-ramp - call the Auto club - wait for 1/2 hour for a tow truck and get towed to a strange mechanic in Ontario. I drove over to pick him up while the car got fixed - blown up hose on radiator. We had two hours to wait for the repairs so went to Juancho's for some lunch and a cold beer. I took him back to the mechanic to get the car and we both arrived back home at 4:00 p.m. - $157 poorer and very tired and sweaty! Grr! I hate cars.

Poor Mr. Indi spent 13 hours away from home and missed his afternoon dose of meds. He took a nice shower and was in bed by 7:00 p.m. and snoring his head off by 7:15!

The picture is of a lovely hanging thingy that was growing in Temecula

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your lovely hangy thing is "Love Lies Bleeding" Amaranthus.

Hope you get this, as the comment is a tad old

Yor/Diane NZ