Saturday, May 10, 2008

I Love Poe!

I don't know exactly what got me out of bed this morning, maybe it was the horrible rattle in my trache that sounded as though I had been invaded by death watch beetles, or maybe it was my bladder screaming for mercy as it approached 110% capacity or there again maybe it was my tongue hanging out and gasping for a cup of tea but at 3:45 a.m., I said goodbye to any chance of a decent night's sleep and crawled into the kitchen, put the kettle on and remembered what Edgar Allan Poe said - What is sleep - but just little slices of death. (My friend DTR's favorite quote!)

The gardener came yesterday., Well, he's not really a gardener - he's a combination lawn mower, edger and rubbish picker-upper. I have 1/3 of an acre of garden and most of it is lawn. Mr. Indi used to keep it mowed and tidy but he can't manage it anymore so my little Mexican chap does the job. I greased his palm with some extra moola and got him to take out the 5 oleander bushes at the bottom of the garden that had succumbed to Oleander Leaf Scorch. The remaining 4 bushes are also showing signs of the disease so I shall have to start thinking about replacements for them. I need something about 8-10 feet tall that is nice and bushy so that I don't have to look at the neighbor's ugly collection of boats and motor homes! Some people just have too much money!

I got an email from Jerry S. He's a distant relative of Mr. Indi on the Woods side. The Woods came from Ireland in about 1845 and settled in Vermont. Anyway, Jerry and his wife and daughter are going to be in California in a couple of weeks and would like to meet up for a natter and a drink. I've given him our phone number. It will be fun to meet them if they can get over this direction and if Mr. Indi is feeling up to it.

The photo above was taken yesterday. The rose is in a lovely vase of flowers that I received from my lovely son and his wife for Mother's Day (tomorrow.)

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