Friday, May 1, 2009


Where else in the world do you have ornamental wrought iron figures on your lampposts? These are in a new little shopping arcade just down the road from my house. There are several different figures and I will post more at a later time. I think they are kinda cute. But - maybe I'm a hick!

Mr. Indi had to have his catheter changed yesterday. I stayed away from the proceedings because I didn't want to hear any crying or writhing in pain BUT instead of agonizing moans, I heard lots of laughing and giggling coming from his room! I couldn't imaging what he and Nursie were getting up to! Well, it turns out that she had inserted the catheter without using the lubricating gel. However, she is so good at it that neither Mr. Indi nor she even noticed until everything was in place! So - they were both having a good laugh about it. Well, you have to laugh at something - don't you?

When Blanca, the nurses aide who bathes his Lordship, came the other day, she caught me in the middle of doing the ironing. She could not believe that I was ironing sheets and pillow cases. she said (in her wonderful Salvadoran accent) "Oh NO - my poor mother was made to iron sheets by her grandmother in El Salvador and that is why she ran away to the United States!" Well, I wonder if she asked for political asylum - based on the cruelty of ironing sheets. I think I'm going to stop ironing mine - before I get some ideas of running away! To Bermuda!

I am going out with my granddaughter this afternoon. She is 16 and has just passed her drivers test. But, according to sources in the know - while she is a very good driver - just like her Mommy and her Nanny - she has no sense of direction. Yikes! If you never hear from me again it is because we took a wrong turn and drove off the planet!

Today is May 1 and Mr. Indi's b'day is coming up in a couple of weeks. I would like to give him a little party but don't know how to organize a parade of friends and family through his little room. I shall have to give it some thought. Any suggestions? He can only stay out of bed and in the wheelchair for about 1/2 hour at the most.

Well, off to the coal face again - I have more pillowcases to iron!


Anonymous said...

I personally think you're daft ... but then I know you.... Ironing pillow cases and sheets! STOP, already!


Muderma said...

I thought I told you before ... STOP IRONING THINGS THAT DON'T NEED IRONING !! Whoever irons things that will get creased again after five minutes of use ? You'll be telling me you iron your knickers next !

(You DO ??) Words fail me ...

Anonymous said...

I haven't ironed sheets and pillowcases for some years now.

The problem I have at the moment is trying to fit pillows into pillowcases. My OH needed a higher pillow the other night and a newly-purchased one just wouldn't fit into my existing pillowcases. We now have 2 white tubes at the head of the head, just like the old "bolsters". Remember them?

I do feel for the Mexicans at this time. So many happy memories of our travels in Mexico over the past few years.

Hope there are no restrictions on our trip in September. Also hope you enjoyed your first outing with your newly qualified grandaughter.
