Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Shoveling it Against the Tide!

First, a big hug and thank you to my buddy who drove up from San Diego to see us on Monday. It was a nice visit xxxxxx

Yesterday, Mr. Indi had a bit of a nasty spell of breathlessness and gave me quite a scare. I think it may have been an anxiety attack so I gave him a Valium and that did seem to help. I called the nurse and she said she would order oxygen ASAP. The oxygen man showed up at about 4 p.m. which I suppose is as S as P - considering.

The oxygen machine is a new fangled device that actually takes in the air from the room and filters it and pumps out the oxygen into the tubing and up the nose - the man couldn't tell me what happened to the other gases - nitrogen, etc. I imagine they are being pumped into my bedroom! I am to hook his Lordship up to the oxygen whenever he starts to feel short of breath.

So, I was up and at it early this morning because I had an appointment to go and get my spiky hair re-spiked. Mr. Indi seemed OK but a bit sleepy so I gave him breakfast and before I left, I put a note on the door for "The Woman What Does" for her to start skivvying and have a look in on his Regal Highness - I would be back in less than an hour. As it happened, Nursie stopped by at about the same time as "Her What Does" and Mr. Indi had another attack of labored breathing! Argggggggghhhh! Nursie didn't give him a Valium - she gave him a big dose of morphine and put him on the oxygen machine. So, by the time I got back from having the lawnmower run over my head, Mr. Indi was out of it! And, I mean gone - whacked out - deep in the Land of Nod. It is now noon and he still can't keep his eyes open for more than 2 minutes at a time. ZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz!

I think that things are not going to get any better. When Blanca came at 10 a.m. to give him his bath (It's been like Grand Central Station here this morning!) she noticed that his feet are getting very swollen and a couple of his toes are purple - not a good sign. Oh dear! What to do - what to do? I can see where the morphine provides great comfort for the patient - but it makes me a nervous wreck. I need to go to the drug store - and the gas station, but am afraid to leave the house while Mr. Indi is out of it.

There is another reason why I can't leave the house - Grrrrrr! I'm waiting for the "pill man" (The hospice pharmacy delivery person) He came the other day and brought the wrong type of laxative - he assured me that it was a good sub for the usual laxative that Mr. Indi uses. WELL, I beg to bloody well differ! It was sooooooooooooooooo good that we went through 10 diapers in one day! ARGGGGG. So - he is supposed to be bringing the right poopy pills out today. But when? I called the pharmacy and asked for an ETA but they couldn't tell me because the poopy pill man could not be reached by radio! Grrrrr. Probably sitting in a bar somewhere drinking his lunch - or maybe he had to use the bathroom! Haha - serve him right!

The pic is of a beautiful hollyhock growing in my next door neighbors weed patch that she calls a garden.


Anonymous said...

Hey Ho wheeeee ooooops. Is your oxygen being converted to carbon dioxide, making you speak funny?

I have been looking for a picture of a watr lily. Yoooooooooooo have just the thing. Can I copy it pleeeeeeeeeese? I want to try to paint it for the Korean bride. I think water-lilies are significant for Chinese people but cannot remember why?

It's over 70 deg here and just been window shopping with my Texas pal for outfit for me. Hilarious!!! Absolutely outrageous - well, someone said, in California anything goes? Who said that?

Stiff Upper Lip Indi. x

ipa said...

Hi Judy,

Do you want a larger pic of water lily I have several.Some where taken at the Mission at Santa Barbara.
Email me at palealepam(at)gmail(dot)com
I will send you some larger pics.

Question! If the bride is Korean - why does she need a Chinese symbol? Just asking!LOL
Loves Ya xxx

Lexi said...

Dear Spike,

Jim Croce was just on the radio singin and it made me think of you and mr. indi. Love to you both.

If I could save time in a bottle
The first thing that Id like to do
Is to save every day
Till eternity passes away
Just to spend them with you

If I could make days last forever
If words could make wishes come true
Id save every day like a treasure and then,
Again, I would spend them with you

But there never seems to be enough time
To do the things you want to do
Once you find them
Ive looked around enough to know
That youre the one I want to go
Through time with

If I had a box just for wishes
And dreams that had never come true
The box would be empty
Except for the memory
Of how they were answered by you

But there never seems to be enough time
To do the things you want to do
Once you find them
Ive looked around enough to know
That you're the one I want to go
Through time with