Thursday, May 7, 2009

It All Stinks - But Hey Ho!

Well, I think I went overboard with the Milk of Magnesia and am now paying the price.

For those of you who don't have a husband who is paralysed and incontinent - read no further. T'is not a pretty sight!

Since last evening, I have done several bedpans and diapers - I have been making a study of the merits/and or/ demerits of either. I think I would rather change the diapers. But, one must be very accurate with this method or one ends up with changing bed linen - ARGGGHHHHH! However, emptying a overflowing bedpan can present it's own set of problems. I will say no more!

Nursie came this morning - she is so nice. We have long conversations about our childhood - our favorite food - good places to eat - how to make a good martini! She is a very knowledgeable nurse! She is also kind and caring.

I'm interviewing a carer tomorrow - we will have to pay - but I am hoping that she will help me with some laundry, cooking etc. She is desperate for a job - I am desperate for some help - maybe 8 hours a week will give me a breather.

Lots of tears today. Lots of tears today!

I think I will go back to my poetry. There are so many things in my head. I must put them on paper.

The picture is one that I took this afternoon. The rose is outside of his Lordship's bedroom window.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Sis,

So sorry you have had a rough day love, and I just hope that the carer person turns out to be good. Plenty of scrubbing and cooking and laundry duties!!! Will call you later today. Much love hugs and kisses to you and J. xxxxxxxxxx