Friday, May 22, 2009

I'm Not Waving - I'm Drowning!

For those of you that don't recognize the title of my blog today - It's part of a poem by Stevie Smith - and that is how I feel! Some days, the pressure and responsibility of taking care of a very sick husband becomes overwhelming - but - then I face another day and find the strength to carry on. (I'm not trying to be a martyr - I'm just telling you how it is. Maybe one day, I will run out of strength and things will change.)

Since he has been taking the anti-b's for his urinary tract infection, he has really started to go loopy! I think it must be the mixture of all of the drugs together. At 9 o'clock this morning, he sounded like a bloke who had been on the tiles all night! He was talking such a load of nonsense and laughing at such silly things! Oh, dear! He has also started to lose more of his motor movements and has trouble eating a bowl of cereal because of the shaking in his hands. Makes me want to cry.

He has developed a very nasty sore on his bum from sitting on the bed pan. I think I will have to go and buy a stainless steel one - the plastic one is just too hard. Anyway, Blanca came today and told him - NO MORE BEDPAN! - that sore could turn horrible. So it is now a matter of diapers and bum wipes. Ah! Such is life.

But - today wasn't all bad. We finally sorted out the big mess we have had with our mortgage company. We sent a payment in too early and they applied it to the previous month. They then charged us a late charge for the month that we had sent the payment in for! Grrrrr! What a bloody performance! But, it is now all sorted and hopefully our next statement will be correct.

The weather has been lovely - and the cactii are blooming. I snapped these two yesterday morning - I LOVE the pink ones - so delicate. Tomorrow, I shall go to the park and take some shots of the jacaranda trees for my friend, Judy. They are just coming into bloom and the purple hue is delicious!


Muderma said...

Hang in their my friend ... and remember, find a little love for yourself, don't give it all to Himself ... you need some too, in order to care for him. You are doing all you can and more ...and it must be as hard for John as for you.

Cry a little, laugh a little ... you are an amazing person, so tell yourself that fact several times a day.

Lots of love and many, many hugs for you both.


Anonymous said...

Morning Sis,

Just wanted to send you both some hugs this morning. Hug hug hug hug hug hug !

Hang on in there kid, love ya loads. xxxxxxx

Anjo and Annie xxxxxx

Anonymous said...

You are an inspiration to others. Doesn't help to tell you this but, well, it is. As Granny says enjoy times for yourself. The air is free, so is the sun and blue skies. The smell of the sea when the wind blows in. Do you have seaweed in LA? I just love it's smell; takes me back to being a child again.

Oooh, I can't wait for the pics! Ta!