Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Don't Buy Advocaat!

It's Wednesday already and I just haven't had the chance to sit down for half an hour and write the blog - so this will be a catch-up post.

Mr. Indi is doing OK - although becoming more confused. He has trouble distinguishing between his dreams and reality. I guess morphine really messes with your brain - BUT it keeps the pain under control and that is the main thing. I am still averaging 5 diaper changes a day! ARGGGGG! My poor old elbows are so painful and my arthritis pills don't seem to be working as well as they did. I think I may have to up the dose - will check with my doc. Either that or drink more Baileys!

Speaking of drink - At Christmas time, I bought a bottle of a mint chocolate liqueur called Vandermint (made in Holland) It was bloody lovely and I had a nip before bed many a night. But, eventually the bottle ran dry - as they do! So, off I went to BevMo (the huge booze store) to restock my supply. Of course, they no longer carry it! So I wandered around the liqueur section looking for something else that would take my fancy. Well, I stumbled across a bottle of Advocaat - also made in Holland. It bought back so many memories of Christmas as a child. Ma and Pa ALWAYS had a bottle of Advocaat on the sideboard at Christmas. So I just had to get it. Hmmmmmmmmm! Big mistake. It is vile - tastes like 10/40 weight motor oil mixed with scrambled eggs. I shall have to palm it off on some unsuspecting soul! Hehe!

I think I shall start on a nice bottle of Sandeman port that is just sitting there on my booze cabinet - going to waste. That should give me some sweet dreams.

The cleaning lady came yesterday and Grannie will be most annoyed when she learns that I got up extra early - 4 a.m. - so that I could get some cleaning done before the cleaning lady showed up. Well, I don't want her to think I'm a slob, do I? She is a nice cleaning lady - but I never think that they clean as well as one does oneself. Still, the house looks reasonably presentable - just in case the Queen shows up.

I am going to hire the carer lady 0n a 4 week trial basis. I am hoping she will start tomorrow and come 2 days a week for 4 hours each. She has to call me back. It is most important that John is comfortable with her and at the moment he doesn't seem real crazy about anyone else looking after him. I'm not convinced that she is the right person - she's a bit too touchy, feely for me - AND, she never stops smiling! But, she does have the credentials and the references - so we will give her a go. Watch this space.

The picture is of my gnome who sits on the flower box on the front porch and welcomes people and laughs at them as they trip up the front steps.


Muderma said...

You're damn right that Grannie thinks you are CRAZY to clean before the lady-wot-does comes ... why pay her good money to do again that which you just did ? Are they all crazy in L.A. ?

Sorry to hear that Arthur Rightus is playing up ... just one more for the nuns to pray for !

Did you ask Anjo about Hereford on 23rd ? Would love to meet her ... and see if she thinks you are as crazy as I do !

XX Grannie

Anonymous said...

What is this about Hereford on the 23rd ??? Fill me in.

Love to you guys xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx