Monday, May 4, 2009

Long Ago and Far Away!

T'was 48 years ago today that me dear old Dad died. So I thought that my family would like to see this picture of Ma and Pa on their wedding day. Mother never did remarry - even though she was only 37 when Pa died - not to say she didn't have a bit of the old slap and tickle! I am certain that she did! But - I'll never tell!

The weekend here was pleasant - nice weather - but a heatwave is coming on Thursday s0 I shall have to get my bikini out of storage - NOT!

My son came and helped me prune the bougainvillea - boy, what a job that was. AND, the bougainvillea has the most wicked of thorns that shredded his arms to bits! Grrr. After all our hard work, we went out for a lovely steak dinner - I was really in the mood for a lump of dead cow - Mooooooo - very rare and very tender. Yum!

Mr. Indi didn't feel so hot this weekend. He was very lethargic and didn't have much of an appetite - but he has perked up today and is feeling a little better - especially after Blanca gave him a lovely bath.

And - so starts another week.


Muderma said...

Lovely photo of your Ma and Pa ... and my goodness, aren't you like her ?

You probably like a bit o'slap and tickle too !

Big hugs for Himself, and little ones for you ...

Anonymous said...

Hi Indi,

What a beautiful picture of your parents. I can see you inherited your high cheekbones and lovely smile from your mom.

For once I'll behave myself and not even ask what a slap & tickle means. ha

I was thinking about mr. indi this morning while I was making a shake. Thought it might help out his plumbing issues?

Blend for 60 - 90 seconds

For 2 people

2 cups orange juice
8 fresh (or frozen) strawberries
1 banana


Today's also the one year anniversary of my ex-husband's passing. I know I should be happy about that, but I'm not. I kinda miss our little spats, whoops I mean chats. lol
