Saturday, May 2, 2009


Here is a picture of the latest occupant of our little hick town! Yes, it's BOB and he is standing outside of the latest Bob's Big Boy Burger joint that has just opened near my house. For those of you who don't already know - Bob's Big Boy is an icon of burger joints here in California and I think this is the first new Bob's to be built in years.

Mr. Indi keeps wanting me to drive over to Bob's and pick up burgers for dinner - BUT - I shan't be going near the place (other than to take pictures, of course) because the novelty hasn't worn off yet and the crowds are 20 deep waiting in line. I don't need a burger that bad!

I forgot that yesterday, May 1, was the 3 year anniversary of the day that me and him gave up the baccy! No more coffin nails! I am still very proud as we did it cold turkey - no patches - no pills - nothing but will power. And, t'weren't easy for someone who smoked 50-60 a day! I would still like a smoke once in a while but the urge soon passes. My only problem is that I have been plagued with mouth ulcers since I quite smoking and the doctor says that, while this is not uncommon, there is nothing one can do about it! Pffft!

Mr. Indi doesn't miss the cigs at all and in fact the smell of smoke makes him feel sick. So, in lieu of a smoke he has started to have a drink each night before bed - Nursie says it won't hurt him to have one. Sometimes it's a Baileys and sometimes it's a Bud - and it certainly helps him to nod off!

I had a lovely visit with beautiful granddaughter yesterday and we were able to find a very pretty necklace for her to wear to the Junior Prom tonight. She will be the Belle of the Ball, I'm sure. She did very well driving down to my house on the freeway - especially on a Friday afternoon - she only got a little bit lost and soon corrected her mistake. I don't know if I could have driven the Los Angeles freeways at 16 years of age - I still get scared - so I drive wiv me eyes closed!

Note to Grannie - No, I don't iron me knickers - but Anjo the Banjo does! Please go over and bash her up the earole!

Note to DTR - Wot yow tawkin about? Wolver'ampton's luverly in the spring! Almost as nice as Dudley!

Note to everyone - Love you all!


Muderma said...

This gets worse !

I quote ...

"Note to Grannie - No, I don't iron me knickers - but Anjo the Banjo does!"

You send your knickers TO ENGLAND for Anjo to iron for you ??

Anonymous said...

I only iron certain pairs of knickers! Those are my large M & S white jobs!!!! so there. My black 'uns I don't do. xxxxx Anjo