Sunday, June 15, 2008

War and Peace!

What a terrible night I had! To begin with, I went to bed early to read my book and left Mr. Indi watching a dreadful film on the big tele. It was some ancient Peter O'Toole flick called Murphy's War and was awful beyond belief! I like to read with peace and quiet and the sound of shooting and banging and planes roaring about that were drifting up the hallway meant I couldn't concentrate and so kept reading the same sentence over and over! I finally gave up on my book and just lay in the bed and waited for the movie ending that finally came and put me ( and Peter O'Toole, I imagine) out of my misery.

I tossed and turned and had a couple of bad sinus spells so had to get back up and raid the medicine chest for some nose spray and a surgical mask. I look so romantic in bed!

I slept in fits until about midnight when I heard someone shouting outside - I listened and there it was again but this time I also heard laughter and so I assumed that there was a party or gathering going on in the neighborhood and the guests were leaving. Wrong! As I tried to get back to sleep the shouting and yelling was getting louder. I got up to investigate and found that the noise was all coming from the house at the back of ours.

I went into the back room and peeked through the blinds and could not believe my eyes - there was a naked man with a can of beer in his hand standing on the neighbors roof! Pity that the light was so poor as I couldn't tell what kind of beer it was - or any other details! There must have been 20 people in the back garden yelling at this chap to jump in the swimming pool! The racket continued until 2:30 a.m. when it abruptly ceased. I think someone finally called the police.

After a few more coughing fits - I dozed until 4:00 a.m. when I finally conceded defeat and got up and made a cup of tea. Not much in the way of "little slices of death" for me last night! (See Edgar Alan Poe!)

The lily above is in a pot on my patio.

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