Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Pinkie - Chemo - Weather and other stuff

Mr. Indi saw me carting Pinkie's legs off to the rubbish bin the other day. He asked for one more opportunity to fix her before I resorted to the total amputation. Well, what's a flamingo lover to do? Two hours later, Pinkie was back in the flower bed standing up as straight as could be and looking quite well.

"How did you do it?" I asked. The answer may upset those of a sensitive nature! He drilled holes in her belly and shoved her legs up inside of herself! Ouch! She is now a couple of inches shorter than her sister but she should last a few more years.

Mr. Indi was scheduled for chemo today but as he has been under the weather with that nasty cold, we thought it best to check with the clinic first. JoAnn said that he should reschedule for next week because the cold would have dragged his red blood cell count down and as it was already low (9.1 at last count - normal is 12.0) it would be unwise to go ahead with the treatment. He is now on for next Wednesday but we are hoping for an appointment with Dr. J before then as we both have some questions about the Cisplatin chemo.

I think the hole in my neck is now closed up. Yea! I didn't hear it whistle or purr or gurgle yesterday - fingers crossed.

The weather is much better and I am happy for that. Our sister sisters are coming out from Arizona for a quick visit and they need a break from the Arizona heat. If all goes well I shall fire up the BBQ this weekend and make my "Auntie Pee's Perfect Every Time Ribs" I might even post the recipe on here!

The picture above is one I took one Sunday in Santa Monica. There is an old motel with several beautiful hibiscus growing on a trellis out front. This is one of them.

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