Saturday, June 7, 2008

Mario's Again.

The traffic is always bad on Fridays - lots of trucks on the road and also people in their motor homes making a mad dash for a getaway weekend. I dropped Mr. Indi off at the clinic at 9: am and as I made the left hand turn to get back on the freeway, the bloke in the car next to me made the sign of the cross on his chest and looked up to heaven! Oy! I ain't that bad of a driver!

The Aredia treatment went smoothly and I picked up his lordship at quarter to 11. I wanted to take him somewhere nice for lunch and as I was still drooling from the luscious chicken at Mario's Place 2 weeks ago, we went back there. Once again we were too early so went to the Mission Inn for a drink. I heard the bloke sitting at the end of the bar talking on his cell phone in a decidedly British accent and when he got off the horn, I couldn't resist asking him where he was from. Leicestershire - ahah! Not very far from my home town of Birmingham.

We had a good old natter with our newly found Brit. Seems that he is planning his retirement and will be moving to Lewis and Harris in the Outer Hebrides. There, he is hoping to run a B and B. He said he really likes the cold weather - I certainly hope so!

Lunch was yummy and we got back home at 2 pm. Mr I crashed and I left him snoring his head off while I worked in the garden for a while. The prize dahlia is getting quite large.

The picture of the California Poppies was taken near the museum in Riverside.

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