Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Elvis Lives!

Mr. Indi stayed home yesterday because he had an appointment to have more blood tests. It's no wonder he has anemia - they keep sucking it all out of him! We managed to get a few chores done even though someone has turned the heat up and it reached 102C by mid-afternoon.

One of the most important chores was to stop at the post office and mail the Elvis necklace to England.

A couple of weeks ago while I was browsing through some very nice antique (ehm...junk) shops in Temecula, I came across an Elvis medal on a pretty gold necklace. I happen to know a chap in England - who frequents one of my favourite genealogy sites- who is Elvis mad and, as they were almost giving the necklace away, I decided that I must get it for him. So - it is now winging its way- high up in the sky - in a BIG airplane - to its new home. Have a safe journey Elvis!

Mr. Indi's blood tests were without problems - he took the advice of one of his chemo nurses who had told him to drink a couple of glasses of water before going to the lab. The water pumps up one's veins and makes it easier for the lab tech to find them. It worked.

Yesterday was the day when gay couples could wed in California and it was on the news all day - Good luck to them, I say. If people love each other, they should be allowed to wed....as far as the arguments put forth by the opposition - they don't hold much water - my marriage is not threatened in the least.....now.....lets move on because there must be other things to report in the news!

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