Thursday, September 11, 2008

Washday Weevils!

Mr. Indi was back at work yesterday after his two days off for chemo and he was feeling remarkably well. The nausea is well under control with a drug called Zofran - generic name ondansetron. He will take that for 5 days after chemo and then - if he is still queasy -switch to another nausea drug called Compazine - generic name prochlorperazine. Per JoAnne, these two drugs work on different parts of the brain - OK - I believe her!

Speaking of chemo brain, Mr. Indi sometimes gets very muddled for a week or two after chemo. Yesterday he was trying to balance a budget worksheet at work and was adding his Augusts to his Julys instead of his Septembers - he got himself into a terrible state!

While Mr. Indi had a fairly good day, mine was a mixed bag - most of it a bag of rubbish! I keep a hanging bird feeder with bird seed on the back patio. I'm not always very good filling it with bird seed from the large tub of bird food that I keep in the garage. I think I've had this tub for about a year - or more! Yesterday, I decided to fill 'er up! So I did! In the meantime, I was catching up with the washing from our weekend away. I did a load of delicates that need to be hung on a drying frame outside. I washed them with a tissue in the pocket of one of the items - Argggg! I hate when that happens. So - there I am - standing on the patio, shaking all the bits of nose rag out of my smalls, when I notice that the bird feeder is absolutely CRAWLING with some kind of bugs! Yikes! It seems that the bird food in the tub in the garage is SO OLD that it has hatched some kind of weevils. So now my patio was covered in bugs and nose blowers.

I killed all the bugs, threw all the bird food and the feeder in the rubbish and went out to lunch!

Today's picture speaks for itself! It's me!

1 comment:

Muderma said...

The birds would have eaten the weevils ! Delicious !