Friday, September 12, 2008

September 11 - Then and Now

Hard to believe it has been 7 years since that awful, awful day. I was getting ready to pack our suitcases for a trip to England on September 14, 2001 for a surprise birthday party for Ma's 80th birthday. Of course, our trip never happened - the airline was very kind and returned our money and we did fly to England a few months later - but Ma's birthday was a melancholy event.

A few years prior to September 11, 2001, I was in New Jersey on business. I often travelled to New Jersey and New York but on this particular occasion, as we took off from the Newark, New Jersey airport on the trip back to San Francisco, the pilot flew the plane around the twin towers of the World Trade Center. Oh My! It was a beautiful spring afternoon and the sight of the towers was magical - and there was all of New York - so close you could almost touch the buildings! And so, on that terrible morning, as I watched the towers fall - I wanted to crawl into the TV and hold them up! All gone.

Well, we must move on. September 11, 2008 and Mr. Indi was not feeling so good because he is moving into the gassy phase of the chemo aftermath! All I can say is that I'm glad we have two bathrooms and that they both have windows! His Lordship spent a considerable amount of time in the main bathroom yesterday afternoon and even with the window opened for ventilation, a pong resembling that of dead animal carcasses began emanating from the back of the house - Doh! Thank goodness for the cooler weather - I was able to spend time in the garden where the air is much sweeter!

Today's picture is of the biggest yellow hibiscus I think I have ever seen. It was growing near the park at Ventura Harbor. It was at least 6 inches across.

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