Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Cook Your Veggies!

Well, I'm glad that yesterday is behind us - and I know that he is, too. I dropped him off at the chemo clinic at 9 a.m. sharp and he wasn't ready to come home until 4:45 p.m. That's an awful long day to sit in a chair hooked up to endless IVs and being fed tons of steroids and anti nausea drugs.

JoAnne has alerted us to the fact that, as he has more sessions of chemo, his white blood cell count will become more compromised and, unlike his red cell count which I can help boost by feeding him slabs of liver, there is nothing that can be done except to wait for the body to repair itself. Therefore, it is imperative that, starting next Sunday, he stay away from anybody who is in any way sick. He also shouldn't eat any raw fruit or vegetables and he must take his temperature a couple of times a day. So - pfft - I guess there will be no skinny-dipping down at the river for us next week!

Yesterday was quite stressful because, apart from it being chemo day, we were waiting for a phone call with an update on the condition of Mr. Indi's sister, who - we learned when we got back from Santa Barbara, was in the hospital with a recurrence of her illness. However, when I got back from the grocery store, I was glad to find a message on the phone to say she is doing better. We hold her in our hearts.

When I got up at 10 past 2 this morning to have a tinkle, Mr. Indi was sitting at the dining room table bashing away on his computer. He will get no decent sleep now for a few days. He also won't stop talking for a few days - yak - yak - yak. When he crashes, the silence will be deafening! I don't know which is worse! Sigh.

The picture is of a water lily in a fountain at Mission Santa Barbara.

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