Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Muscle Car!

This picture is of a 1977 Chevy Z28. I'm pretty certain about this one as I spent quite a while looking for it on the net. But - please do correct me if I'm wrong. Anyhow! I love the car but am not crazy about the color - although I do think that it is one of the original stock colors.
Mr. Indi is back at work today - not feeling too bad although still taking his queasy meds. His taste buds are finally starting to reappear and I hope he will enjoy lunch today at the Mexican joint. He will be calling the clinic later this morning to get an update on his white cell count. If the count is too low, he will have to start more injections - fingers crossed.
I tried to get in to see the quack yesterday but they were overwhelmed with Monday morning sickos and I was told to call today - unless it was an emergency. So I will do just that. In the meantime, I'm unable to do very much of anything because of the pain in my hands - tis a real bother because you need your hands for so many things!!!!
p.s I am putting the lines between paragraphs because this blog thing - for some reason - isn't recognizing double spacing.

1 comment:

Muderma said...

I'm having the same trouble with spacing on blogger, Indy ... and especially with putting a picture at the end of each posting.

Drives me nuts sometimes, such that I sometimes delete the whole thing and think ' **** '

Love to you and him ...