Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Peace and Quiet! - Ha!

So there I was, sitting in the Italian joint, picking lumps of Gorgonzola cheese off Mr. Indi's chopped salad and talking to his Lordship about the cost of tomatoes when - KER BANG - the building lurched several feet to the left and immediately sprang back to its original position. Before anyone could say a word, the shaking started; glasses and bottles tinkled and clinked; ceiling fans swayed and sputtered; the chef crossed himself and started praying, and I prepared to dive under the table - But - it was all over in a matter of 30 seconds and everyone returned to the matter at hand - lunch!

The Italian restaurant is only about 8 miles from the epicenter of the 5.4 earthquake and I will say that we both got a bit of a fright. My heart hasn't had a work-out like that since the last time I heard Rod Stewart singing Embraceable You. We had a couple of fair sized after-shocks during the afternoon but everything has been quiet for several hours now. For those interested in our shaking, here is the California shake map:

The reason me and him were discussing the price of tomatoes is because (as you can see by today's picture) our homegrown tomato crop has been less than stellar! The largest of the haul is about 2 inches across and has a nasty looking fungus on its bottom! The green one has been green since mid May and apparently is lacking in red genes. The small ones are just a few centimeters in diameter; are as hard as bullets and could easily be used as ammo for a BB gun! None of them would be welcome in my salad and, therefore, I am having to pay $3.49 a pound for toms. I can grow dahlias - I can't grow tommy arters!

Mr. Indi is feeling fair to middling today and has gone to work - although I hope he will not stay there too long. I also hope there are no more earthquakes while I am here alone!

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