Tuesday, July 29, 2008

All's Well

Thank goodness! Everything went well with yesterday's chemo session and Mr. Indi was finished by 4 p.m. He was looking very pale when I picked him up but was acting quite chipper. JoAnne said that the platinum in the Cisplatin is the cause of the paleness as it draws down the red blood cells. She reminded us that it's imperative that Mr. Indi keep up with his Procrit injections every Friday to ensure a rejuvenation of bone marrow.

The staff at the chemo lab are always surprised at Mr. Indi's lack of nausea during and after chemo. I'm not surprised - after all, this is a chap who will eat anything that isn't moving faster than he is! They don't call him "Old Cast Iron Guts" for nothing! But, just to be on the safe side, JoAnne gave him a free sample of an anti-nausea drug, Kytril, to try - just in case!

Mr. Indi is staying home from work today. He had a restless night and is feeling a bit wobbly this morning. He's able to stay in touch with the office via his laptop and cell phone but should be able to get a few naps in during the day. So, today will be peace and quiet - we hope!

The pic above is another from Quail Gardens.

1 comment:

none said...

I hope and I pray.....its gonna be alright.