Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th July!

Mr. Indi got home from work yesterday at about 1p.m. He had a bite to eat and then lay down for a rest. He had been up since 2:30a.m. While he was sleeping, I took my knitting and sat out in the shade on the porch. Ah - peace and quiet. No - not really!

My neighbor, two doors down, has come over all patriotic and has erected a 30 foot flagpole in his front garden. He doesn't always raise the flag though and when the pole is flagless, the lanyard and it's associated hardware clang against the pole. The clanging provides an accompaniment to the 2 dogs that are either side of me. So, as I sat bodging away on the baby shawl, I was serenaded by: Yip yip clang clang yip yip woof! Woof woof clang clang yip yip woof!

I had started to compose some lyrics in my head when intruders arrived on the scene - 2 chickadees. They added to the music: Woof cheep woof yip clangy clangy woof cheep. But, all of a sudden a breeze got up and flagpole went nuts as did the dogs: Clang woof yippy yip clangy bang cheep cheep woofy yip! Arggggggg! I came inside!

Yesterday, I picked the first tommy arters off the vine. They smell yummy and I'm using them today for a salad that will accompany the ribs.

The picture above is another San Clemente orchid.

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