Friday, March 13, 2009

Some Days.........

As though I wasn't stressed out enough - I looked out of the kitchen window this morning to see my gardener's helper lying on top of the large industrial lawn mower with his legs pinned under the gardener's truck. Argggg! It seems that the woman who lives next door - a 75 year old ding bat - had run over Carlos as she drove by. I just could not believe it.

Within minutes, we had a fire truck, an ambulance and 2 police officers swarming all over the place. The ambulance took Carlos to the hospital and the EMTs said that he appeared to be OK but might have a broken shoulder. The police measured everything - made marks in the road - interviewed the ding bat and had the gardener show them both of his lawnmowers. I expect they will be round here to interview me before the day is over - even though I didn't see anything.

I can't write any more - too stressed.

Our sister sister is coming later today. She sent us this lovely vase of flowers for our wedding anniversary. They are so pretty and have lasted for ages.


Daria said...

What the heck! As if you don't have enough going on.

Anonymous said...

No wonder your stressed,you could have done without that, hope that poor man is ok too,

love to you both
Sybil XXXXXXX (((((hugs))))