Monday, April 6, 2009


I have been very busy today - nothing unusual there - but I've also been a little bit - how can I say - scared maybe?

On Saturday, Mr. Indi had a visitor who - so I have it on good authority- is something of a psychic healer. The guy seemed nice enough and sat with Mr. Indi for quite some time and did a bit of mumbo-jumbo - praying and stuff - and talked about getting a friend of his to come to the house and use his powers as a psychic surgeon to rip out the cancer in Mr. Indi's spine. Wooow! Now, I wasn't feeling very happy about that but Mr. Indi says he'll give anything a go. Hmmmm!

I left the two of them alone as I have no interest or belief in any of that kind of stuff - but when the chap left the house, he came into the kitchen and put his hand on my back (uninvited, I may add) and started praying for me (uninvited, I may add!) He left about 5 minutes later - and, for the next 20 minutes, I had a horrible cold feeling on my back where he had touched me. Creepy. What do you think it was? I think he washed his hands in cold water (he was in the loo for quite a while) Anyway - I think it's all a load of tripe!

I have been quite sad today - probably because I am very tired - no much sleep. I feel the need to leave a message for someone. I just wanted to say that whenever you needed help - I was always there.

Mr. Indi needed a new catheter today - the old one was leaking - too small ( Hehehe! - Don't say anything!) He goes through so much. It's so hard to cope sometimes - but he keeps his spirits up - most of the time.

Tomorrow will be another busy day - a visit to the attorney - more paperwork - a call to the pension people - trying to sort out their mumbo-jumbo - and maybe, just maybe, I can get a few minutes to clean up the 900 emails on my computer!

I took the picture today - when I went to City Hall to pay the water bill. I almost fell down the embankment trying to get a good shot of these daisies. Silly old bag!


Daria said...

I read your blog regularly .... I think about the two of you regularly ... sorry you are feeling sad.

Hoping tomorrow brings brighter things.


lexi said...

Hi Indi,

For what my two cents are worth

If seeing a Psychic healer brings John some peace of mind, what's the harm?

On the other hand, I've never heard of a Psychic picking the winning lottery numbers?

Hang in there girl


Anonymous said...

You are amazing how you keep going sis. I just wish you could get more rest! Keep your chin up love. Will call tonight. Love Anjo xxxxxx Kisses for Mr too.

Angela said...

You certainly got the shot...a lovely flower and please,a good day for you both today.

Angela xoxo

Anonymous said...

I hope whoever the message is for gets it ... I wish I were closer for you.

I'll give you a call about the psychic. I do believe.

xoxoxo to you both. And leave the wheelchair on the floor next time ... LOL!
